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Changing demands force industry change

The increasingly competitive retail business environment has led to widespread rationalisation throughout the floor coverings industry, with fewer suppliers seeking strategic alliances within retail groups.

Consumer buying patterns have also changed. In the burgeoning arena of digital, media related design and DIY mediums the industry has struggled to adapt, change and evolve. At Newfurn, we have embraced this change and continue to push the boundaries in order to meet consumer and commercial demands.

The strength, solidarity and respect of Newfurn provides the foundation for our member retailers to succeed in the face of a diminishing supplier base, new and growing threats to the industry and a more volatile economic environment.
Our greater goal, is to build even more cohesive and supportive relationships between our member retailers, suppliers, commercial partners and most importantly, our consumers.

The increasingly competitive retail business environment has led to widespread rationalisation throughout the floor coverings industry, with fewer suppliers seeking strategic alliances within retail groups.

Consumer buying patterns have also changed. In the burgeoning arena of digital, media related design and DIY mediums the industry has struggled to adapt, change and evolve. At Newfurn, we have embraced this change and continue to push the boundaries in order to meet consumer and commercial demands.

The strength, solidarity and respect of Newfurn provides the foundation for our member retailers to succeed in the face of a diminishing supplier base, new and growing threats to the industry and a more volatile economic environment.
Our greater goal, is to build even more cohesive and supportive relationships between our member retailers, suppliers, commercial partners and most importantly, our consumers.

Maintaining our consumer promise

A lot has been written regarding the future of retail, most of which conclude that those businesses who don’t adapt to market changes will die.

It’s a little melodramatic, however businesses who fail to change with consumer requirements will find retailing difficult in the future.

As technology and consumer buying behaviours change, as too must we in order to keep ahead of our competitors and maintain our position as Australasia’s most progressive flooring retailer.